Company party &
After Work Party

Long journeys as well as high costs for personnel, premises and catering as well as numerous imponderables keep more and more companies from organizing big celebrations but also smaller after work parties. Thanks to the Gather Town technology, whisk your partners or employees away to a Caribbean island or celebrate the next company event with them in your virtual beer garden – of course with individual branding and integration of all partner logos!

  • Customer event
  • Speeddating
  • Games & Casino
  • Cooking courses
  • Cocktail mixing courses
  • Magic Shows

Online Meetings &
virtual co-working

Many employees and customers are bored with Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams calls. There is simply a lack of flexibility to talk to individuals spontaneously or to escape the large group for a private exchange. There is not enough human interaction, even breakout sessions are not the solution. Meetingland offers you different virtual offices in the style of modern CoWorking Spaces based on Gather Town technology. Gladly also according to your CI specifications and with individual brandings!

  • Online seminars
  • Virtual product presentations
  • Coworking Office
  • Virtual seminar building

Online congresses & trade fairs

Trade fairs and conferences live from the interaction between the participants. Especially with Gather.Town, an appropriate congressional map is critical to success. Meetingland transforms your event with Gather into a virtual experience that engages attendees from start to finish by allowing participants to interact with each other as well as with each other . interact with speakers as they would at physical events and freely participate in workshops or lectures. Of course, any partner or sponsor can also be prominently integrated!

  • Keynotes & lectures
  • Panel Discussions
  • Product presentations
  • Networking
  • Parallel Interactive Sessions
  • Exhibition stands
  • Sponsors Posters
  • Poster rooms

Gather cards ready to use

Start with Gather Town within the next few days and use one of our ready-to-go Gather Town Spaces for your event. When you buy a card, you own this Gather Town space outright.

We are the official partner of Gather.Town and have already supported over 150 online events with our expertise. With our ready-made Gather maps you profit from this experience, which we have incorporated into our standard maps.

Gather.Town Guide &
English support

As an official Gather Partner based in Germany we have direct contact persons in the head office of Gather.Town and a regular exchange with the programmers and the product development. We are therefore always aware of upcoming changes, maintenance breaks or new features. Of course, your participants will receive our explanatory videos and instructions in english.


Meetingland & Gather.Town!

We use the basic technology of Gather.Town for our online events and complement it with our professional maps, friendly staff and technical finesse to make your event memorable. Trust the wealth of experience of more than 500 digital formats and online events!

Using the Gather.Town platform, our Gather experts design and develop an online event that fits your needs and requirements. We are happy to integrate individual logos, media content such as videos, training materials, interactive elements and much more. We can also take your CI specifications into account when creating custom solutions.

Our complete range of Gather.Town services includes but is not limited to:

  • Design: Rooms and Gather.Town Spaces are designed for meetings, events or conventions so that participants have a consistently positive experience.
    We offer fully customized Gather Town maps & rooms as well as a selection of already created Gather.Town Spaces (Gather Templates). We offer fully customized Gather Town maps & spaces as well as a selection of already created Gather.Town Spaces (Gather Templates).
  • Customizations: Decoration, sponsorship, room and wayfinding signage, and embedded advanced features (interactive elements) are what give many events their real appeal. From entertaining games to musical elements to DJ sets for a successful live party, we have a large portfolio of possibilities. And we haven’t even mentioned our cocktail course yet ;)
  • Integration: Integration of video conferencing platforms (Zoom, WebEx, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet)
  • Event Management: real-time problem support, lobby support, content and speaker management, hostesses, technical hosts, and video editing and production; our team can be live for a final walk-through prior to the event and throughout the event if desired
  • Special features and services: Custom instructions or explanatory videos for participants

Registration &
Participant management

Gather.Town itself does not offer participant management. If you organize your event with us, we will gladly offer you an individual landing page (website) in the corporate design as well as a registration form for your participants for an additional fee!

Satisfied customers

«Tolles Tool – super konzipiert – perfekte Betreuung. Es hat Spaß gemacht. Das Tool ist super und einfach zu bedienen. Die Technik hat gut funktioniert. Das Tool ist in Corona-Zeiten eine gute Alternative. Die Betreuung durch Meetingland war perfekt. Vielen Dank!»
Petra Leinkenjost, Westfalen
Hat während unserer digitale Leadership Konferenz durch seinen Gamification-Ansatz begeistert und für viel Spaß und Freude gesorgt.
Katja Marx, Evonik

«Kreativ, kundenorientiert und flexibel. Mehr kann man nicht erwarten! Technisch absolut reibungslose Abwicklung des Events. Auch unsere Teilnehmer waren begeistert:
„Fast besser als eine Live Postersession!“

„I do not know how one could do better for a MATH+ DAY, given the pandemic constraints»

Tim Hasler, MATH+ Office
Dank Meetingland wurde unsere ideale Fahrradwelt Wirklichkeit. Unser digitales Forum stand der analogen Variante in nichts nach. Danke an das Team für die kreative Umsetzung und Begleitung.
Daniel Steegmaier, ADFC Baden-Württenberg
«Meetingland bot die optimale Kulisse für den individuellen Austausch, spontane Begegnungen und das Zuhören im Plenum. Ob in der Lobby, der Pool-Area oder im Kaminzimmer – Mithilfe des kleinen Avatars liefen alle durch den virtuellen Raum und nahmen spielerisch am Online-Nachwuchstreffen der Buch- und Verlagsbranche teil.»
Unsere Weihnachtsfeier auf hat richtig Spaß gemacht! Alle Kollegen waren bis zu Schluss dabei, haben unsere Weihnachtswelt erkundet, gequizt wie die Weltmeister und sich köstlich amüsiert beim Karaoke-Singen. Nur live wäre noch schöner gewesen :-) Danke an unseren Moderator Ben, der uns toll durch den Abend begleitet und unterhalten hat!
Karen Trepte, Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen
«Das Get Together beim diesjährigen ersten digitalen Hotelcamp war eine totale Überraschung. Meetingland ist intuitiv und ich hatte zum ersten Mal bei einem virtuellen Tool das Gefühl, der Realität nahe gekommen zu sein. Es hat wahnsinnig Spaß gemacht in unserer kleinen „Hotelcamp Welt“ mit den Menschen ins Gespräch zu kommen und zu Netzwerken»
Wir haben Meetingland für unser 2. Barcamp Potsdam benutzt und wir und unsere Teilnehmer waren begeistert! Es kommt auch in der virtuellen Location echtes Barcamp-Feeling auf und es macht wirklich Spaß :) Die Handhabung ist einfach und intuitiv. Ganz besonders hervorheben möchte ich auch den tollen Service. Wir haben uns super aufgehoben gefühlt durch euren verlässlichen, individuellen und unkomplizierten Support. Immer wieder gerne.
Wir nutzten Meetingland für einen Event mit Studierenden an unserer Hochschule. Meetingland hat für uns ein interessantes Winterland mit vielen Interaktionen aufgesetzt und alles hat bestens funktioniert.
Michael Fux, HES-SO Wallis
Ein perfektes Tool für unsere Recruiting Messe, sehr gut und professionell organisiert, intuitiv zu bedienen und mit einem sehr hohen Spaßfaktor für alle Teilnehmer*innen.
Susanne Deuke, Technische Universität München
Günter Exel
«Der bislang beste Ersatz für Veranstaltungen, die auch „menscheln“ sollen. Die Begegnungen und Gespräche zu zweit oder in Kleingruppen klappen wunderbar; auch größere Meetings können über die Definition von Speaker-Plätzen im Raum gut abgebildet werden. Die Navigation ist leicht und intuitiv»

Meetingland hat es uns ermöglicht, unsere jährlich stattfindende Alumni-Konferenz auf einfache Weise digital umzusetzen. Die Teilnehmenden waren begeistert und hatten viel Freude dabei die Karte zu erkunden und ihre vielfältigen Möglichkeiten zu ergründen. Besonders wichtig war uns, dass die Plattform viel Raum für soziale Interaktion und Vernetzung bietet, was bei virtuellen Veranstaltungen oft zu kurz kommt – mit Meetingland hat das aber hervorragend geklappt.

Laura Schlagheck, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Meetingland supports you at events with Gather in English
  • We create individual Gather maps, meeting environments and digital worlds for you.
  • Meetingland supports you in the strategic planning, implementation and execution of your events.
  • If desired, we also offer a clean and according to DSGVO data protection compliant participant management.

  • You will receive a proper invoice from us with a German registered office and German VAT.

  • With us you can draw on the wealth of experience from over 500 digital formats, from startup pitches to company summer parties to large-scale scientific conferences – we also know all the Gather alternatives inside out and will be happy to advise you personally.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers about Meetingland and Gather.Town

Q: What is the cost of a Gather room?
A: The cost varies depending on your needs and requirements. The Price for your event can be found here calculate the price.

Q: How long does it take to design a custom Gather room?
A: The time varies depending on how much customization you want. If you like our basic options with a few extra logos to a standard room, these changes can be made quickly. If you are looking for special themes, your own corporate design or completely new cards, they will take longer. We will work with you to determine what customizations are possible within your time frame and budget.

Q: Do you offer standard Gather rooms or is each Gather room custom designed?
A: Every space involves a certain amount of customization. We have some standard templates that we are happy to customize with small details like your company logo, or we can design a new space from scratch.

New! We now have a small selection of tickets available for you to purchase so you can get your event in less than 48 hours
start your event!

Q: Can we keep and reuse our Gather space?
A: If you choose Meetingland to create a custom space for your event, you can reuse it as many times as you like (plus licensing fees). We also offer prefabricated rooms that can be rented by the day on a single or multi-purpose basis.

Q: When can we use our space?
A: Depending on your schedule and with enough time for design and set up, we offer early access to your space so you can rehearse and prepare for your event.

Q: What security features does Gather offer?
A: Gather offers several types of access protection. Your room can be protected with a password, email domain only access, or a guest list of whitelisted email addresses. Additionally, once a user is actively using the area, they can be blocked or banned if necessary. For more details on Gather’s privacy policy, user data information and data encryption, please visit Gather’s website. We also recommend the participant management of Meetingland to book so that the email address with us DSGVO compliant on German servers remain.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of participants at our Gather event?
A: Gather offers multiple pricing tiers, each supporting a different maximum number of concurrent users. The largest events can accommodate several thousand simultaneous users. We will work with you to determine which pricing and attendee options are best for your event.

Q: How does Gather work for a hybrid meeting?
A: Gather is a great way to replicate the “networking” experience you can have at an in-person meeting, so any attendee who logs in and moves their avatar can connect with people whether they are in their home office or also physically present in a conference center. And as long as all face-to-face meetings are also recorded and broadcast with a video conferencing tool, your Gather attendees can be right there.

Q: Can Gather be integrated with teleconferencing technology?
A: Yes! In your Gather section, we can embed links to conference calls on all the major platforms (Zoom, Webex, Google Meet, Teams, etc.). This offers an excellent opportunity to combine presentations and networking in the best possible way, especially at online congresses and trade fairs.