

Meetingland uses Gather.Town as a technical service provider. On this page we provide the most important help and a guide for Gathertown. By the way, below you will find the possibility to test Gather.Town with Meetingland live. But first, take a quick look at the video below.

  • Das brauchst du

  • Computer oder Laptop mit Webcam und Mikrofon

  • Ein aktueller Browser, wir empfehlen Google Chrome als zuverlässigste Lösung; auch andere Browser funktionieren einwandfrei (Ausnahme: Apple Safari wird nicht empfohlen aufgrund Einschränkungen in der Beta-Phase)

  • Wir empfehlen die Benutzung von Kopfhörern bzw. eines Headset, um Rückkopplungen und Echos zu vermeiden; dies ist vor allem bei Live Streamings oder externen Audioquellen (z.B. bei Live DJ Sessions) sinnvoll

  • Smartphones & Tablet bieten nicht den kompletten Funktionsumfang, dennoch sind Apple und Android Geräte mittlerweile zuverlässig nutzbar

  • Keine Installation, keine Registrierung und keinerlei Software Downloads nötig

  • So funktioniert Meetingland

  • Meetingland basiert auf der Gather Technologie. Du läufst frei mit einem Avatar auf unseren Karten umher und kannst Dich mit den Personen unterhalten, die sich in deiner Nähe befinden oder in der selben Sitzgruppe sitzen

  • Du navigierst mit den Pfeiltesten auf Deiner Tastatur oder per Maus Doppelklick auf die gewünschte Stelle. Wenn du in einem Private Space oder dem Nahbereich anderer Avatare kommst, öffnet sich automatisch die Videofunktion und du kannst dich mit den betreffenden Personen unterhalten

  • Natürlich kannst du dich spontan auch mit mehreren Personen treffen und in einer kleineren oder größeren Gruppe unterhalten. Sobald du aufstehst und dich entfernst, löst sich auch die Sprechverbindung mit den betreffenden Personen auf. Außer bei sogenannten Spotlights, also Speaker:innen, die den ganzen Raum adressieren

Worauf du beim Beitreten achten musst sowie alle wichtigen Funktionen für Meetingland
findest du in unserer Anleitung, welche du dir hier gerne herunterladen kannst.

My sound or video is not working. What can I do?2021-09-16T08:18:39+02:00
  • Check if Meetingland works on your PC / Desktop with the browser Google Chrome
  • Re-open the browser completely with Meetingland after closing other applications (like Zoom).
  • It can cause problems if you refuse or block the microphone/camera permission. To unblock the permission for our application, look for the pop-up dialog in the address bar (video icon). Here is a good guide to
    Video & Microphone in Google Chrome
  • The biggest culprit of this error is another app recording your camera and preventing other apps from accessing it. This happens especially often when you use other video calling tools like Zoom at the same time. Close the other application to fix this error
  • Click on your name below and then click on “Video and Audio Setting”. There you can select / change your webcam and microphone / headset.
  • For further assistance, please refer to the English language help page of our technical service provider
As an organizer or presenter, can I speak to all participants at the same time?2021-09-17T15:12:50+02:00

In most of our rooms we have so called “Spotlight” areas. If you are standing at the lectern or in an area with a yellow border, you will get the “Broadcast” function. Now up to 100 participants who are in the same room can see you, hear you and follow your presentation if you have split your screen.

Do you also offer support or services around virtual events, which I didn’t find on the website?2021-09-16T11:47:37+02:00

We offer individual support and services around your online event on an hourly basis of EUR 150.

Can I test Meetingland before I buy it for my event?2021-09-16T11:53:04+02:00

Of course! It is very important to us that you can test Meetingland before your event. You are welcome to try out our free live demo try it out!

How can I share my screen and present a PowerPoint, for example?2021-09-17T15:13:26+02:00

Of course! At the bottom in the middle you will find an icon “Screenshare”. You can use it to share your entire screen or individual applications such as PowerPoint. Your screen will then be seen by all those who are currently seeing and hearing you. A little tip: The best way to keep track of your presentation is to open it on a second screen and have Meetingland open on the other screen.

For further information please contact our technical service provider Gather.Town on the topic of screen sharing.

As an organizer or moderator or speaker, can I present or speak to all participants at the same time?2021-09-17T15:14:17+02:00

Yes! On our Meetingland maps we have special areas which are used as stages or even speaker areas. When you enter such an area, the “Spotlight” function is activated so that all participants who are in the same room can see and hear you. You can also use it to share your screen and give a presentation, for example. This function is also particularly suitable for organizers to communicate something important to all participants at the same time.

Is it possible to create a custom Gather.Town map and template for my event / organization?2021-09-16T11:55:53+02:00

Yes! We would be happy to create your individual Gather.Town world that meets your wishes. Alternatively, you can create the Gather.Town Space by yourself and we will integrate it into your Meetingland. We are happy to support you!

Test Gather.Town with Meetingland yourself

It is very important to us that you can test Meetingland before the event.
Best you test together with colleagues and friends so that you can also test your sound & microphone.